Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sunday night, my wife comes home with a movie she says will inspire me. Always up for a little inspiration, I eagerly plonked myself in front of the TV, dimmed the lights and pressed play…

The movie, “Julie & Julia” is a true story of two women set in different eras. In 1949, Julia Child is in Paris, the wife of a diplomat, wondering how to spend her days. She tries hat making, bridge, and then cooking lessons at Cordon Bleu. There she discovers her passion for cooking and eventually writes an iconic recipe book, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking".

In 2002, Julie Powell, about to turn 30, underemployed and with an unpublished novel, decides to cook her way through "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" in a year while blogging about it. We go back and forth between the stories of two women learning to cook and finding success while fascinating parallels in their lives are revealed.

The movie truly worked its magic with me as I too found many parallels in my life with that of Julie Powell. I am thirty five and have been doing my own share of soul-searching about my life and how radically different it is compared to what I expected by this point.I feel underemployed and not passionate about my current career but find great pleasure and inspiration when standing behind a stove. My blog, while probably not read by many, is a source of focus to me personally and has given me new challenges. After watching this movie, I feel confident that even though I am not a chef, somehow cooking will be my release from the mundane weekday hours between eight and five.

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